Achieving greatness requires planting seeds of greatness in your mind. Evolving from ordinary to extraordinary, broke to baller, or ho-hum and mediocre to successful high-performer necessitates practicing a basic and fundamental life principle that says, ”success starts in the mind.” If regardless of current circumstance, you believe your talents, skills, and creativity support your vision to make your dream a reality, then the LaurieTALKS podcast is for you.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Deliberately Direct Your Career Path | EP52
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
An interesting aspect of building a career around your passion (especially in the entertainment and performing arts) is that no two-industry professionals journey the exact same course.
Dance, like life, has no road map or manual.
We each self-direct and chart our own career paths.
The TALK for this episode is about deliberately building a career around your passion. Why? Because there’s a unique contribution to the world that only you can make.
Also, as an artist, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Doubt and apprehension are the reason you have the gift of talking yourself back into believing.
Do what you love - while at the same time earning a living. Let’s go.
Choose your adventure. Chart your course.
If you’re picking up on what the TALK is about, thank you.
Please follow, rate, review, like, and share.
Please Connect! @LaurieTALKS

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Fresh Start: Permission to Introduce Yourself as the Person You Want to Be | EP51
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
The TALK for this episode is about the advantages of traveling to new places and meeting new faces. Changing environments and then meeting new people in the new environment presents an exciting occasion.
Why? Because from the moment you meet a person for the first time, what they will come to know about you is only what you want them to know—that is, what you decide to share with them.
Meeting people who know nothing about you is an opportunity to plant fresh seeds.
Let’s say there’s something you don’t like hearing about yourself but that many people tell you is true.
When you intentionally introduce yourself as the person you want to be, you have a chance to establish the narrative.
You can explore untested approaches with each new encounter and respond to situations differently.
Any opportunity to reshape, refresh, redefine, or refine your manner and present yourself in previously unexplored ways is an exciting occasion.
If you’re picking up on what the TALK is about, I’m grateful.
Thank you. Thanks also for the like and the subscribe, rate, review, and/or share.

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Self-Reflection After a Breakup | EP50
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
What do you do post-relationship breakup? Do you take a minute to conduct some sort of self-assessment, or do you just jump right back in the saddle?
For a long time, I was in the second group. Then somehow, somewhere, I decided that creating a new relationship without resolving old issues was a missed opportunity.
I stopped jumping directly back into the saddle. And that gave me time to look myself in the eye of the looking glass and ask some tough questions.
In this episode, the TALK is about facing yourself—while dealing with disappointment—by looking in the mirror and providing honest answers to some possible uncomfortable questions.
Here are some of the self-exploratory questions.
When you’ve come to the end of a relationship, ask yourself a few, many, or all of them.
The Past: Did you see the red flags? When did you see the red flags? Why did you ignore them instead of following your gut (the first time)? Did you get what you were looking for in the relationship? Do you know what you were looking for? Were you disrespected or taken for granted? Were you able to effectively set boundaries in a way that worked for you?
The Future: Are you able to speak up for yourself? What do you need to do so that, moving forward, if faced with a similar situation, you can make different choices? What can you do? Can you talk about this relationship and begin every sentence with the word I — instead of he, she, they, and them? What did you learn from all this?
Enjoy the TALK with me, your host, LaurieTALKS.
Thanks for listening.
Please Follow, Subscribe, Rate, Review, Like, and Share! Any one of these will do.
I appreciate you.
Instagram: - engineering
@daliumano - musical guest

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Stuck in a Rut | EP49
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
What do you do if you think you’ve got the wrong job, or the wrong relationship, and the wrong life, in the wrong city?
When life feels wrong—like you’re going from one bad situation to another—consider activating your creative thinking skills.
Optimists are creative thinkers.
Optimistic, creative thinkers hold a perspective that sees the silver lining in challenging circumstances. And this happens even when they’re surrounded by others who are overly affected by doubt or fear.
As a creative thinker, when you’re feeling stuck in a rut, you can channel energy into directing your thoughts toward the positive aspects of a moment or situation.
Listen now.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Finding Freedom in Solitude | EP48
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
I discovered the difference between solitude and loneliness while healing from a relationship breakup.
In this episode, I TALK about how intentionally investing time in yourself can reinvigorate your mind and help you tap into your strengths.
Sending you love.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Avoiding Quiet Desperation | EP47
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Hello, my friend,
Thank you for listening. I appreciate you.

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Procrastinators, Try Some Positive Pressure | EP46
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
It’s easy to stall on tasks we find challenging, intimidating, or overwhelming.
Yet stalling creates stress. And soon enough you’re in a horrible cycle of spending time and energy feeling horrible about avoiding whatever you’re avoiding.
Listen now to find out how positive pressure worked to stop my procrastination and get me on track, in gear and obligated to write a book.
What do you want to achieve? Can you name it? Will you claim it?

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Body Talk | EP45
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Nothing’s more shattering to a dancer than an afflicted body. Fortunately, your body is smart, and it knows how to communicate with you.
Just as you truly appreciate love after experiencing heartache, you truly appreciate dance after sitting on the sidelines due to an injury.
In this episode I present:
If Your Injured Body Could Write You a Letter . . .

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Finding Happiness | EP44
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Living the life you want isn’t the cause of happiness. It’s the result of it.While at a Toastmasters International meeting, I came right out and said it: “There’s no such thing as happiness.” I complained and griped about how even the sound of the word made my skin crawl and how mad I got when anyone used it.
I concluded my talk by announcing to my audience—people I hadn’t met until that evening—that standing before them and having to use the word had just about ruined my day and my mood. I was seriously cynical.While watching two of Oprah’s shows, on both occasions, I was struck by a guest spending her entire time discussing how happy she was in her life. I assumed that both Tina Turner and Barbra Streisand were lying.
Around the same time, one of my older sisters admonished me for my all-day, everyday sarcastic and pessimistic view of everything.
At first, I couldn’t see it. But, over time, I began to pay attention to what my mind was doing, and finally, I realized that my sister was right. I didn’t have one good thought on any subject.
I use my life as a test to see if Tina and Barbra were telling the truth. My motivation, including my decision to leave my desk job and tap dance for a living, became the search for happiness. Here’s what I came up with: Happiness, contentment, and fulfillment are yours. You don’t need to wait for something outside of yourself, nor do you need a particular condition or circumstance to create it, even when you’re surrounded by those who think otherwise.
The search so many pursue outside themselves is actuallya search we must pursue within ourselves.
Your qualities aren’t static.
You can discover simple ways to make moments and days special and foster positive vibes in a negative situation.
You can, at will, change your thoughts to call upon your version of calm, cool and composed.
Yes. This stuff takes practice, which if you’re a dancer, you know very well how to do.
With practice, deliberate and conscious shifts in perception will happen, offering a peace that passes human understanding.
Cherish your faith in miracles. You’re the miracle. Stop looking. Audio: @k.sounds.audioMusical guest: @soultheharvest

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Branding Your Brand of Greatness | EP43
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Branding relates to who you are, what you do, and why you do what you do.
Whether you call yourself a personal brand is not as relevant as the fact that - in a way, your brand is like your reputation . . . it’s something you develop with or without your approval or permission.
It’s what people think about you when they hear your name or what they say about you when you’re not within earshot.
Thanks for listening.