Achieving greatness requires planting seeds of greatness in your mind. Evolving from ordinary to extraordinary, broke to baller, or ho-hum and mediocre to successful high-performer necessitates practicing a basic and fundamental life principle that says, ”success starts in the mind.” If regardless of current circumstance, you believe your talents, skills, and creativity support your vision to make your dream a reality, then the LaurieTALKS podcast is for you.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Rich Money Choices | EP63
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Take care of your money. And, eventually, your money will take care of you.
As artists and entrepreneurs, we don’t always have the luxury of consistent income - especially at the beginning of our careers.
Show business is, by its nature, episodic. Opportunities available today may not be available tomorrow.
Seasonal or inconsistent work makes financial management a necessity.
Effectively budgeting, tracking, investing, and saving are essential skills for an artist.
Finance yourself and take a disciplined approach to money management.
Musical Artist Yaktownboi Tmoney (Trey)

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
That Feeling Stuck Feeling: When Your Get up and Go Has Gotten up and Gone | EP62
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
When life has you feeling stuck and off your game, remember we all experience mistakes or missteps.
Stuff happens, and it’s unrealistic to expect success at every juncture.
Inactivity during any days, weeks, or years needn’t justify the same behavior moving forward.
Forgive yourself for the half-completed projects and the ventures you quit after a few attempts. A lack of motivation in one area doesn’t tell your whole story.
The feeling of stuck feelings pass.
You progress after an occasional fall or stall by planting again.
Plant more seeds in advance of the harvest you expect tomorrow.
Musical Artist @daliumano

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Falling Down Stairs | EP61
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Episode 61 of LaurieTALKS, is all about the importance of valuing and taking care of your body as a dancer.
Let's begin with simple stuff like using the handrail when descending stairs, and not dancing on cement.
In this episode, I share two stories:
Falling down the stairs
Using a wooden door as a solution to dancing on a cement floor during an in-studio workshop.
Achieve longevity. Perform stronger. Dance longer.
Musical Artist @moehayslett

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Watch How You Talk to Me | EP60
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Standing up for yourself and being assertive is not about being rude, pushy, mean, or aggressive.
It’s about finding a way for you to be comfortable when asking for what you want in a way that respects others and that others respect.
If you don’t feel good about yourself, you lose power because you think you don’t have any. Consider your power. It’s there.
If you find yourself unhappy with how you’re being treated . . . If you have difficulty communicating what is or is not acceptable to you, if you feel that you’re always being taken for granted or used by some of the people in your life, then do a self-check, look for patterns, and find ways to set boundaries.
We teach people what we will and will not tolerate from them. Treating yourself well is what sets the standard for others to follow.
Thank you for listening. Grateful.
Musical Artist, Dasan @blakchoji
Audio, John Johnson

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
When I Was the Ultimate Cynic | EP59
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
A cynical mindset obliterates hope and is a massive barrier to anything good.
No one gets through life untested.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Self Directed Career Paths | EP58
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Thanks to new tools and advances in consumer technologies, now anyone with passion and a smartphone can release authentic and engaging content to large audiences.
An ever-growing number of empowered individuals are using social media platforms as a marketplace for leveraging their skills and finding new ways to make a living.
The reduced costs of producing, distributing, and promoting content without the support of traditional institutions and/or backing have resulted in more songs, books, TV shows, and movies being generated than ever before.
Lowered entry barriers result in more power going to individuals to monetize their handiworks, build a following, and earn a living selling directly to consumers . . . in other words, to create autonomy.
My friend, you stand at the threshold of a new age.
Keep listening to your inner voice.
It knows the way of the dream tucked away in your imagination.
If you’re picking up on what the TALK is about, I’m grateful.
Thank you. Thanks also for the support. Please continue to like, subscribe, rate, review, and/or share.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
No Road Map for Careers in Entertainment | EP57
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
"You can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way, a way will be made." This Michael Beckwith quote gives me life.
Big dreamer, please direct no energy toward doubtful thoughts.
Make yourself available to your possibilities because your possibilities are your fuel. Stand up and cheer yourself on.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Organization and Efficiency | EP56
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Whether it’s searching for your dance shoes, mobile device, keys, or a digital document, time spent looking for (misplaced) items signals disorganization. And if you’re in a state of disorganization, how will you manage?
Getting organized is about creating efficiencies to improve the overall quality of your life. Let's go.
Thanks for listening. I appreciate you. Please subscribe, rate, review, enjoy, and/or share.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Admitting Wrongdoing | EP55
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
. . . because not everyone can be right all the time.
Thanks for listening. I appreciate you.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the show.
How to connect:

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
16 Ways To Manage Any Day | EP54
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Thinking creates ideas.
Ideas lead to actions.
Actions produce habits.
And habits play a major part in how you build your life.
My friend, here are 16 ways to build your day.
Appreciate life’s little treasures
Declutter your physical environment
Risk assess to minimize regret
Create quiet time
Tend to your body
Practice optimism
Ignore outside influences that dictate what you should say, be or do
Consider the collective well-being: what you want for yourself and others
Consider forgiveness
Connect with nature to improve your mental health
Spend less than you earn
Develop your character instead of your personality
Proactively direct social media
Limit your interaction with toxic people
Develop basic coping skills
Practice gratitude
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